Starbucks Closed, Man

Millions of Americans are about to feel like the Griswalds in National Lampoon’s Family Vacation (Moose out front should have told you). Desperate for their next venti latte, they will (or, depending on when you read this, they have) approached the local java brewery only to find the doors locked and themselves coffee blocked. That’s right, Starbucks is having an unprecedented three-hour-universe-wide shut down in an attempt to re-energize the barista population (They do know they work all day with caffeine, right?). I can only imagine how the meeting will go. Hopped up managers extolling company pride, talking brightly about the challenges of taking on McDonald’s and Dunkin’ Donuts. “We are better. We are baristas.” That is taking nothing away from being a barista, of course. I, as I’m sure most other writers, have found themselves serving up a half-caff. OR two.

I hate to assume to know more than the upper management at Starbucks, but here are my top 10 ways to improve sales and finally put the nail in the coffin of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee.

10.Stop correcting me when I say skim instead of nonfat. I know it’s policy, but maybe figure out a way to tell the 17-year-old kid at the espresso machine what I want without one upping me.

9.How about dropping the price back below a buck eighty for my grande? I can tell you’re getting greedy and I actually notice the 10 cent increases.

8.Stop trying to sell me food and just concentrate on coffee. I’ll still get the muffin every other time, but enough with the McBiscuit-ike sandwiches.

7.Make it easier for me to find a store. Really, I had to walk nearly 2 blocks through the heart of Manhattan before coming upon one.

6.Don’t ask me my name to write on the cup. I know I’m at Starbucks and I know you don’t care.

5.When I buy my pound of coffee, don’t make me ask for the free cup of coffee I know comes with it. Just offer it up and make me feel good about spending 13 bucks.

4.Dial back the books, movies and downloads at the counter. If I only have a certain amount of money to spend, I’m pretty sure your coffee margins are bigger than your book sales.

3.Stop serving pompous customers who gawk and huff when it takes someone more than 10 seconds to order.

2.Install a first-timers-only line that incorporates visual aids and possible graphs to explain the sizing.

1.Stay open on a Tuesday night, collect millions in sales and maybe do a little advertising like all the other companies in the world.

Well, that’s about all I got for today. Except of course to mention that Dunkin’ is offering 99-cent lattes on the day Starbucks is closed …

Related Link:

Starbucks Closed or A Sign of the Apocalypse (not the real title):

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2 Thoughts to “Starbucks Closed, Man”

  1. Almost 2 blocks to find one? Clearly you must not have been in Times Square. <br />
    <br />
    Dunkin has them beat in my neck of the my 20 minute drive to the office I pass 5.

  2. Dunkin Donuts latest TV add pertaining to the use of "Fritalian" which is necessary for ordering at Starbucks, is actually quite effective. Unfortunately, the customers portrayed on the commercial aren’t so much, therefore, it probably evens out in the end. Either way, Starbucks just tastes better; Philadelphia just isn’t always cooth enough to figure this out, but most of us are… Thanks for the funny top ten.

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